Preguntas Frecuentes
You should align the steering when you notice any of the following signs while driving: when traveling in a straight line and the steering wheel is not centered, feeling a slight force to the left or right; when taking a curve and returning to a straight line it is perceived that the wheels are not aligned; when stiffness is perceived in the direction; when the tires show some type of asymmetrical wear.
Brakes are one of the most important systems available to our vehicle and are essential to maintain our safety, since they represent one of the most important protection systems we have on the road.
Industrial vehicles are under great pressure and need to be checked and reconditioned due to wear and tear.
The benefits of keeping the axes aligned are obvious. A good alignment contributes to improving and reducing tire wear, increases the mileage performance of our vehicle as well as representing a considerable decrease in fuel consumption. The professionals of the sector know that the steering alignment of your truck is advisable, necessary and profitable.
Vehicle road safety can be improved, corrective driving eliminated, driver fatigue reduced, and vehicle footprint reduced by not driving off track or across the road. In addition, fuel consumption and tire usage can be reduced.
The steering alignment can be affected by external reasons caused by driving, such as accidents, collisions, the presence of potholes in the road or sudden blows against objects or curbs. Therefore, it is recommended to perform the alignment in a professional workshop periodically to keep the vehicle in the best safety and performance conditions.
All brake parts must be checked, such as brake pads, discs, drums or actuators of any brand present on the market.
The lack of alignment of the axles entails different problems for the vehicle, which implies a lack of road safety, as well as an increase in fuel and tire costs.
Topliners are trailers with a fixed roof that extends from the front to the rear of the trailer, offering full cargo protection from the elements. Additionally, topliners often have a tailgate for easy loading and unloading. The topliners are ideal for the transport of dry and general cargo, as well as for the transport of products sensitive to humidity.
On the other hand, semitopliners are trailers that have a high roof that covers most of the length of the trailer, but does not extend to the rear of the trailer. Instead of this, half-topliners have a smaller tailgate compared to topliners. Semitopliners are ideal for transporting bulky and large products, such as heavy machinery and construction structures.
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